Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cows, Cats, and Kids: A veterinarian’s family at work” By: Jean L. S. Patrick

“Cows, Cats, and Kids:  A veterinarian’s family at work”
By: Jean L. S. Patrick
Photographs: Alvis Upitis
Boyds Mills Press:  China
Copyright: 2003
By: Jean L. S. Patrick
 (Non-fiction Informational #2)

            This is a non-fiction informational book about the lives of a family whose father is a mixed animal veterinarian.  The book tells three short stories with each of the children Shae, Kendall, and Catherine Narrating their own.  Shae, a ten year old boy tells of his adventure helping a cow birth a calf.  It is actually quite informational about the process.  The photos of the birth are graphic, which could potentially cause some commotion with younger children.  Kendall, spent the next morning with his father tagging cattle and vaccinating them, only to return to the office to treat local pets.  The book goes on to talk about Catherine, de-worming puppies and routine check-ups.  This was really a very informative book.  It would be great in a classroom or for a student to use as informational book. 
            There was an obvious text to self connection with this book.  Anyone who has ever owned, cared for or taken an animal to the vet can relate to this book.  Text to world connection was one of family interaction.  Threw each section of this book it expressed how close the family was and how excited the children were to be spending time with their father while he was doing important work.  I learned some facts I was previously unaware of.  For instance, when farmers tag a cow’s ear it is for more than identification purposes.  The tags also contained insecticides to keep away horn flies and face flies. 

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